o Deportivo La Coruna 3 - 0 Trabzonspor

Galego English

A Coruña,2 de Novembro do 1995,Xoves

Aliñacion do Deportivo: Liaño;Alfredo(Recarte),Voro,Djukic,Paco, Villarroya(Nando); Manjarin,Donato(Aldana),Fran,Beguiristain;Bebeto

Goles:Donato e Bebeto(2).

Os xiareiros do Deportivo non as tiñan todas consigo antes do partido coa equipa turca.Ainda que o adestrador,o gales John Benjamin Toshack,xa falara sobor da perigosidade do Trabzonspor e de que non deberia haber confianzas. Nos primeiros intres do encontro,era a quipa visitante a que semellaba facerse co control do xogo,perante un Deportivo titubeante que non era quen de impor a sua evidente superioridade tecnica.Incluso os turcos chegaron a tirar un par de veces a porteria de Liaño. Pero todo foi un espexismo.Apenas sobrepasado o minuto 20 de xogo,o hispano- brasileiro Donato,verdugo dos turcos en Trabzon,mandaba un misil dende 35 metros o saque dunha falta que se colaba por toda a escuadra da porteria do bo gardamallas forasteiro.

E ahi rematou a eliminatoria.O Trabzonspor asumiu o seu papel de equipa inferior e que debia limitarse a capea-la treboada que se lle viña enriba. Os ultimos estertores dos turcos foron unha serie de patadas sen vir a conto, tentando estragar o xogo por momentos brilante do Deportivo.Pero pouco antes de remata-la primeira metade,o tetracampion Bebeto,nunha das suas xa habituais xenialidades acadou o segundo gol do Depor e eliminou as xa escasas esperanzas orientais. A segunda parte foi coser e cantar.Os turcos xa nin daban patadas.No tempo de le cer,Toshack daba entrada o veteran Lopez Recarte,que debutaba asi en competicion europea este ano tra-la lesion sofrida nun pe.

Pero non era o dia dos Beguiristain,Manjarin e compañia,que estragaban unha tras outra as ocasions que lles servian en bandexa os seus compañeiros,ainda que boa parte da culpa destes erros tiñaa o porteiro turco. Xa perto do final,como non,Bebeto,fixo o gol que redondeaba o resultado,que ainda que non facia xustiza os milleiros de ocasions que tivo o Depor,si era un marcador mais axeitado a realidade do acontecido sobor a alfombra de Riazor. Este tanto do Brasileiro era o cuarto da eliminatoria e o decimosegundo que fai o Depor na Recopa,sen ainda ter encaixado ningun,curriculo sen dubida abraiante o da equipa coruñesa,que,para desgraza dos seus xiareiros,non ten nada que ver co que amosa na competicion española.

Agora so queda agardar ate o sorteio que tera lugar o 8 de Decembro en Xenebra.Os preferidos do Depor como rivais nos cuartos de final son o Rapid de Viena e o Dinamo de Moscova.Por outra banda,non queren ver nin en pintura o todopoderoso Parma do vello amigo Hristo Stoichkov,nin o vixente campion e compatriota Real Zaragoza. Eu, persoalmente, tampouco desexaria que tocara o Borussia de Monchengladbach,xa que lembro con tristura que o Depor foi apeado da copa da UEFA os anos anteriores por equipas alemas (Eintracht de Franckfurt e Borussia Dortmund).

La Coruña, November 2 '95

Deportivo: Liaño; Alfredo(Recarte),Voro,Djukic,Paco,Villarroya(Nando); Manjarin,Donato(Aldana),Fran,Beguiristain; Bebeto

Scorers:Donato & Bebeto(2).

Deportivo supporters were a bit scared about the match tonight.The Turkish were not so bad as the 1st leg score indicated,and the local coach, Welshman John Benjamin Toshack talked about the danger of Trabzonspor and that nobody should be sure of qualifying easily. In the first minutes of the match, it was the visiting team who looked like controlling the game in front of a hesitating Deportivo, who weren't able to show their obvious superiority. Even the Turks got to shoot a couple of times at Liaño's goal. But everything was a mirage. When Trabzonspor were dreaming of maybe scoring (twenty minutes,1st half), Spaniard-Brazilian Donato, who had killed eastern hopes in Trabzon 2 weeks previously, sent a missile after a free kick resulting in the first goal for Depor, and against which, the visiting goalkeeper couldn't do anything.

And that was the end of the round. Trabzonspor accepted their role of inferior team capable only of trying to stop the storm raging over them. The Turks' last breaths were a kind of violent nonsense act, trying to abort the some times brilliant playing of Deportivo. But a few minutes before half-time, world champion Bebeto, in one of his now familiar sparks of genius, scored the second thus completely extinguishing any hopes that Trabzonspor might still have.

The second half has no story. At half-time, Toshack replaced Alfredo with the oldie-but-goldie Lopez Recarte, playing for the first time this year in Europe after having injured his right foot. But it wasn't the day of Beguiristain, Manjarin and company, who missed all the chances they had in front of the Turkish goal, although some credit is also due to the goalkeeper for this! Just before the end, Bebeto's second completed the scoring. This goal of the Brazilian's was the fourth of the round and Depor's 12th in the competition, with none scored against. This is a good record for the Coruñes team but, unfortunately, this is quite different from their current form in the Spanish League.

Now, we only have to wait until the draw that will take place in Geneva the 8th of December. Deportivo would like as enemies Rapid of Wien or the Russians of Dinamo Moscow. They wouldn't like to play against powerful teams as Parma, with well-known Bulgarian Hristo Stoichkov, or the current Champions Real Zaragoza, also of Spain. I,as a supporter, wouldn't like our ways to cross with Germans Borussia Moenchengladbach - I remember sadly how two German teams (Eintracht Frankfurt and Borussia Dortmund) have outclassed Depor in the UEFA cup over the last two years .

CWC - 2nd Round

Alex Moran